WHEN The Right Time to write or update a blog post?
For CB, a good time to update the blog during the day. You see, most visitors CB that night, according to statistics from the bloggers themselves that we can check on the dashboard (menuStats). During the day, visitors to the blog CBdi 6000 range s.d. 12,000 readers. Once the night, the number of visits (page views) in the range of 12000-24000 even more than 24,000 visitors (little hell, but pretty lah ... :)). It was fitting to be checked the next day or each morning. According to Alexa data as of October 27, 2016, Global Rankblog CB is in the order of 54.464. Wuihh .... much really.
Pretty lah, not the position of millions :) Rank in Indonesia - alhamdulillah in position popular figures Eight One Two (812).
However, the indicator decreased .... sob !!! Besides Visitor Statistics MenuStats blog in Blogger, the best reference to know the number of readers or other blog visitors are Google Analytic. It could also be "peek" through Histats our blog readers.
Well, from all that, we can determine when the best time to update our blog.
Best Time to Update Blog Content published studies Dash Burst-Traffic.
There are tradeoffs when a blog post is currently busy hours and during the hours not busy (at night, for example).
Posting during traffic hours (day time) could invite visitors and comment more, but competition with other blog posts tighter!
If the posting activity is at low times (night time), we can expect a visit that much anyway, but when "off hours" number of visitors is usually a little bit.
This quotation:
post content during high traffic hours (day time) can lead to more visitors, comments and engagement, but it's more Likely your post will be buried in the competition with other articles. When posting during low activity times (night time) you can expect more Prominence within user feeds with less noise, but fewer visitors during the off hours. The Also the data shows that most users read blogs throughout the day, with the highest percentage in the morning between 8am to 11am (peak blog views by hour). The average blog gets the most traffic on Monday but more comments on a Saturday Generally when people are not working.
According to my own views, the highest blog visitors in the morning, between the hours of 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM, especially on Monday. However, the comments usually many emerging weekend, on Saturday, when the "contents". Other data show, the best blog post should be in the morning, between the hours of 7am to 12 pm. According to CB hell, blog posts at any time so there are ideas and opportunities (free time). Post wrote, anytime, anyway sometimes indexing Google also slow ^ _ ^.
Another matter if your blog is a blog of news or blogs actual information. So, consequently, you should post anytime and anywhere, so there is actual and interesting events happen. If your blog is about football, for instance, then once the game was over, for example, at 04.00 in the morning, so when it also had to post the results of the game.
The important thing is to write and OWN WORKS! Not Others! Good luck!
Wishing You The Best In Your Blog Activity
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